The Essence of Feminine Sexy

People say that what cultures find to be “sexy” has changed throughout human history.  That, in some respects, is kind of true.  But, there are underlying characteristics that is shared by all cultures throughout all human history.  It his these characteristics that make up the core of what makes women sexy.  A sort of natural inherent human attraction to the female body laced in our DNA.

The Egyptians favored Lips, athletic bodies, and symmetrical face.  Apparently, Egyptians were a very sexually open culture too; a lot of adultery, easy divorces, and incest.

Ancient Greece favored more curves and lighter skin.  Not because they thought less of darker skin but because they related the skin to Marble, which was luxurious.

The Han dynasty of early China favored slim bodies, light skin, and long hair.

The Renaissance period in Europe through Victorian England favored curves and thin waist.

During the Roaring Twenties the Americans favored slim athletic bodies and thin waist.

As America entered the “Golden age of Hollywood” the culture favored curvy athletic bodies, thin waists, and large breasts.

Then as we entered the Supermodel Era, we see the culture again favor curvy athletic figures and more toned bodies.

Now, we are in what’s called “Postmodern Beauty” and when you consider all the sexual advertising and all the clothing styles women wear as a whole we see that what is favored is curvy athletic toned bodies.

Now, looking collectively through human history we see some key elements that all cultures have shared:

  1. Athletic Figure.
  2. Curves in the breasts and glutes.
  3. Toned body.

And this is just a fact of human history.  These three elements are present in what various cultures have found “sexy” throughout history.  These are the natural sexual instinctual characteristics that we are inherently prone to find “sexy” collectively.

Yeah there maybe some details that change, like the plumpness of lips, extreme size of breats, or skin tones, but those three elements are always collectively present.

That also shows, historically, that obesity is not, ever, collectively found to be “sexy.”  Nor is it healthy for the human body.  If you are, in fact, highly overweight and obese, and your friends tell you things like “Oh your still sexy.”  They are, in fact, lying to you.  If you have to tell yourself all the time that you are sexy, you are lying to yourself.

Another LIE that people tell themselves or are told is that only a small portion of women can exhibit these natural 3 elements of sexy.  That is a lie.  If you eat right and workout, THE HUMAN BODY natural conforms to those elements of sexy.  Medication that “makes you gain weight” is a lie too.  THE HUMAN BODY only gains weight by what YOU put in it.  If you burn more calories than eat and you eat clean, easily digestible and energy friendly natural foods; you could be on the worst weight gain medication there is, and still not.  Same with having a disorder.   You retain (fat) what you eat; no matter who you are.  Stop believing in lies for self pity.

This is NOT to “hurt feelings” but to compel you to live a more healthy life, gain more self control and discipline, and be MORE true “sexy” for your self and significant other.  Live a healthier more fun life longer.